jstree-demo 单选,拖拽/获取节点路径/获取父节点id/搜索以及默认选中指定节点
/* 如果想在jstree渲染前修改数据请使用ajax原生dataFilter方法 注意此方法data返回字符串格式,使用时需转为可解析模式并在return时回转 例如: */ $('xx').jstree({ data:{ dataFilter:function(d){ d=$.parseJSON(d); $.each(d,function(i,n){ n.state={selected: true} }) return JSON.stringify(d); } } }) //常用组件 : "plugins" : [ "checkbox",//多选框 "contextmenu",//右键菜单 "dnd", //拖拽 "search", //搜索 "types", //设置节点类型 ] //详情请参照https://www.jstree.com/plugins/组件参考地址 //checkbox复选框插件: $('#jstree').jstree({ "checkbox" : { "three_state":false, "cascade":'undetermined' } "plugins" : [ "checkbox" ]//启用多选框组件 }) /* three_state 此属性选择是否级联,默认为true。 cascade 多个值,分别为: undetermined 待定:当前节点选中时父节点为待定状态 up 向上级连: 当前节点选中时所有父节点为选中状态 down 向下级连: 当前节点作为父节点并且被选中时子节点全部选中 此处可关联使用 例如 "cascade":'up down undetermined' */ //contextmenu右键菜单插件: $("#jstree").jstree({ "core" : { "check_callback" : true //允许修改节点 }, "plugins" : [ "contextmenu" ] }); //dnd拖拽组件: $("#jstree").jstree({ "core" : { "check_callback" : true //允许修改节点 }, "plugins" : [ "dnd" ] }); //search搜索组件: $("#plugins4").jstree({ "plugins" : [ "search" ] }); var to = false; $('搜索输入框').keyup(function () { if(to) { clearTimeout(to); } to = setTimeout(function () { var v = $('#plugins4_q').val(); $('#jstree').jstree(true).search(v); }, 250); }); // types"设置节点类型 $("#jstree").jstree({ "types" : { "default" : { "icon" : "glyphicon glyphicon-flash" }, "demo" : { "icon" : "glyphicon glyphicon-ok" } }, "plugins" : [ "types" ] });
<div id="jstree2" class="all_box"> <ul> <li id="01" class="jstree-open">Admin theme <ul> <li id="a12" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>css <ul> <li id="a121" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> animate.css </li> <li id="0a2" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> bootstrap.css </li> <li id="0a3" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> style.css </li> </ul> </li> <li id="0b" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>email-templates <ul> <li id="0b1" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>action.html</li> <li id="0b2" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>alert.html</li> <li id="0b3" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>billing.html</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div>
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script> <script src="js/jstree.min.js"></script> $('#jstree1').jstree()//初始化组件 .on("ready.jstree", function () {//组件初始化完成事件 var ref = $('#jstree1').jstree(true); ref.select_node(['a1'],true,false);//tree加载完之后让id为a1节点选中 }); /* select_node(obj, boolean, boolean) obj 数组,可选多个节点['a1','a2'], supress_event Boolean TRUE;不会触发`changed.jstree`事件 prevent_open Boolean true'选定节点的的父节点不会打开 */
组件 <link href="../css/plugins/jsTree/style.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="jstree2"> <ul> <li id="q" class="jstree-open">Admin theme <ul> <li id="q0" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>css <ul> <li id="q00" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> animate.css </li> <li id="q01" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> bootstrap.css </li> <li id="q02" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> style.css </li> </ul> </li> <li id="q1" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>email-templates <ul> <li id="q10" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>action.html</li> <li id="q11" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>alert.html</li> <li id="q12" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>billing.html</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div>
//初始化完成指定选择节点 数据回显 模拟后台返回数据,需要此格式 var id_list =[ { id:'q02', pid:'q0' }, { id:'q0', pid:'q' }, { id:'q', pid:'#' }, { id:'q10', pid:'q1' }, { id:'q11', pid:'q1' }, { id:'q12', pid:'q1' }, { id:'q1', pid:'q' }, { id:'q', pid:'#' } ]; //通过此方法挑选需要的子类id var pid_=[], id_=[]; $.each(id_list,function(i,n){ if($.inArray(n['pid'],pid_)==-1){ pid_.push(n['pid']); } }); $.each(id_list,function(i,n){ if($.inArray(n['id'],pid_)==-1){ id_.push(n['id']); } }); $('#jstree2').jstree({ "checkbox" : { "three_state":true,//此属性选择是否级联,默认为true。 // "cascade":'down'//级联的方向 up down three_state设置为false可修改 }, "search":{ show_only_matches:true,//只显示搜索到的数据 show_only_matches_children:true, //是否可显示搜索到节点的子节点,默认为false不可显示 }, 'plugins': ['checkbox', "search"]//search:搜索组件,checkbox:多选框 }).on("ready.jstree", function () { var ref = $('#jstree2').jstree(true); ref.select_node(id_, false, false);//tree加载完之后让id为a1节点选中, }); $('#search_tree').click(function () { if (to) { clearTimeout(to); } to = setTimeout(function () { var v = $('#plugins4_q').val(); $('#jstree2').jstree(true).search(v); //搜索 }, 250); }); $('#get').click(function () { var ref = $('#jstree2').jstree(true); var sel = ref.get_selected(true);//获取选中的节点 $.each(sel, function (i,n) { var path = [n.id].concat(n.parents); alert("节点路径:" + path) }) });
<link href="../css/plugins/jsTree/style.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="jstree3"> <ul> <li id="z" class="jstree-open">Admin theme <ul> <li id="z1" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>css <ul> <li id="z11" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> animate.css </li> <li id="z12" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> bootstrap.css </li> <li id="z13" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'> style.css </li> </ul> </li> <li id="z2" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>email-templates <ul> <li id="z21" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>action.html</li> <li id="z22" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>alert.html</li> <li id="z23" data-jstree='{"icon":"tedufont tedu-icon81"}'>billing.html</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div>
$(function () { var i1, sel, ref; function saveFun(obj, editNum) { if (editNum == 0) { ref.create_node(sel, {"icon": obj['icon'], "text": obj['text']});//创建节点 if (sel) { ref.open_node(sel); } } else if (editNum == 1) { ref.set_icon(sel, obj['icon']);//更改节点icon ref.set_text(sel, obj['text']);//更改节点内容 } } var treeObjList = { editFunc:function (tit, url_) {//重命名节点 tit:弹框标题,url,弹框路径.此处需要url透传数据 i1 = cumParentWinModal(tit, url_, { "type": 2, 'area': ['380px', '240px'] }) }, create: function () { sel = ref.get_selected(); //获取选中的节点ID;get_selected(true),获取选中的节点对象,返回OBJ(id,text...) if (!sel.length) { COM_TOOLS.alert(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTsel_node'));//请选择节点! return false; } sel = sel[0]; treeObjList.editFunc(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTmo_tit'), ['add-icon.html?edit=0']) },//'JTmo_tit':请输入图标及内容! rename: function () { sel = ref.get_selected(); if (!sel.length) { COM_TOOLS.alert(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTsel_node'));//请选择节点! return false; } sel = sel[0]; var iconRename = encodeURI($.trim(ref.get_icon(sel))); var textRename = encodeURI($.trim(ref.get_text(sel))); treeObjList.editFunc(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTr_tit'), ['add-icon.html?edit=1&nodeName=' + textRename + '&iconRename=' + iconRename]) },//'JTr_tit' 请修改图标及内容! del: function () { sel = ref.get_selected(true); if (!sel.length) { COM_TOOLS.alert(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTsel_node'));//请选择节点! return false; } COM_TOOLS.confirm(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('delConfirm'), function(index){ cumCloseWin(index); ref.delete_node(sel); }); } }; $('#jstree3').jstree({ 'plugins': [''],//search:搜索组件,checkbox:多选框 'core': { "multiple": false,//是否启用多选 'check_callback': true//是否允许修改节点 } }).on('ready.jstree',function () { ref = $('#jstree3').jstree(true); }); $('#add').click(function () { treeObjList.create() }); $('#rename').click(function () { treeObjList.rename() }); $('#delete').click(function () { treeObjList.del() }); COM_TOOLS.private_obj_.saveFun = saveFun; });
<link href="../css/plugins/jsTree/style.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="jstree4"> </div>
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script> <script src="js/jstree.min.js"></script> $(function () { $('#jstree4').jstree({ "checkbox" : { "three_state":false,//此属性选择是否级联,默认为true。 "cascade":'undetermined'//级联的方向 up 上级连 down下级联 undetermined 父节点待定状态 }, 'core' : { 'data' : { 'url' : '/jstree6/api', 'data' : function (node) { return { 'id' : node.id }; } } }, 'plugins' : ['checkbox','wholerow'] }); });
<link href="../css/plugins/jsTree/style.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
// AJAX $('#tree').jstree({ 'core' : { 'data' : { 'url' : '/get/children/', 'data' : function (node) { return { 'id' : node.id }; } } }); ### ps [ { "text" : "ajax-Child 1","icon":"tedu tedu-icon85","children" : true}, { "text" : "state-Child 2","icon":"tedu tedu-icon85", "children" : ["One more"] } ] //静态 data #1: $('#using_json').jstree({ 'core' : { 'data' : [ { 'id' : 'node_2', 'text' : 'Root node with options', 'state' : { 'opened' : true, 'selected' : true }, 'children' : [ { 'text' : 'Child 1' }, 'Child 2'] } ] } }); ### PS: { id : "string" // will be autogenerated if omitted text : "string" // node text icon : "string" // string for custom state : { opened : boolean // is the node open disabled : boolean // is the node disabled selected : boolean // is the node selected }, children : [] // array of strings or objects li_attr : {} // attributes for the generated LI node a_attr : {} // attributes for the generated A node } //静态 data #2:list child=> parent $('#using_json_2').jstree({ 'core' : { 'data' : [ { "id" : "ajson1", "parent" : "#", "text" : "Simple root node" }, { "id" : "ajson2", "parent" : "#", "text" : "Root node 2" }, { "id" : "ajson3", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "Child 1" }, { "id" : "ajson4", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "Child 2" }, ] } }); ### PS: { id : "string" // required parent : "string" // required text : "string" // node text icon : "string" // string for custom state : { opened : boolean // is the node open disabled : boolean // is the node disabled selected : boolean // is the node selected }, li_attr : {} // attributes for the generated LI node a_attr : {} // attributes for the generated A node }
<div id="jstree5"> </div>
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script> <script src="js/jstree.min.js"></script> $(function () { var i1, ref,node_; function saveFun(obj, editNum) { $.ajax({ url:'jstree-demo.html',//后台保存数据路径 data:{icon:obj['icon'],text:obj['text']}, success:function (d) { //...执行创建 //ref.refresh();//正式环境ajax返回成功后可直接刷新jstree 无需以下操作 if(d){ if (obj.editNum == 0) { ref.create_node(node_, {"icon": obj['icon'], "text": obj['text']}); ref.open_node(node_); } else if (obj.editNum == 1) { ref.set_icon(node_, obj['icon']);//更改节点icon ref.set_text(node_, obj['text']);//更改节点内容 } } } }) } var treeObjList = { editFunc: function (tit, url_) {//重命名节点 tit:弹框标题,url,弹框路径.此处需要url透传数据 i1 = cumParentWinModal(tit, url_, { "type": 2, 'area': ['380px', '240px'] }) }, create: function () { if (!node_.length) { COM_TOOLS.alert(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTsel_node')); return false; } treeObjList.editFunc(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTmo_tit'), ['add-icon.html?edit=0']) }, rename: function () { if (!node_.length) { COM_TOOLS.alert(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTsel_node')); return false; } var iconRename = encodeURI($.trim(ref.get_icon(node_))); var textRename = encodeURI($.trim(ref.get_text(node_))); treeObjList.editFunc(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTr_tit'), ['add-icon.html?edit=1&nodeName=' + textRename + '&iconRename=' + iconRename]) }, del: function () { if (!node_.length) { COM_TOOLS.alert(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTsel_node')); return false; } COM_TOOLS.confirm(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('delConfirm'), function (index) { cumCloseWin(index); ref.delete_node(node_); }); } }; $('#jstree5').jstree({ 'core': { "check_callback": true, 'data': { 'url' : '/jstree6/api', 'data': function (node) { return {'id': node.id}; } } }, 'contextmenu': { show_at_node: false,//指示菜单是否应该与节点对齐。默认为true,否则使用鼠标坐标 items: function (node) { var temp = { "add_c": { "icon": 'glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk', "label": TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTaddn_node'), "separator_after": true,//表示在此项之后是否应该有分隔符 "action": function (data) { var pathL = node.parents.length; alert("我是" + pathL + "级节点"); ref = $('#jstree5').jstree(true); node_ = node.id; treeObjList.create(); } }, "add_b": { "icon": 'glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk', "label": TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTaddb_node'), "separator_after": true,//表示在此项之后是否应该有分隔符 "action": function (data) { ref = $('#jstree5').jstree(true); node_ = node.parents[0]; treeObjList.create(); } }, "rename": { "icon": 'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil', "label": TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTrename_node'), "separator_after": true,//表示在此项之后是否应该有分隔符 "action": function (data) { ref = $('#jstree5').jstree(true); node_ = node.id; treeObjList.rename(); } }, "del": { "icon": 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove', "label": TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTdel_node'), "separator_after": true,//表示在此项之后是否应该有分隔符 "action": function (data) { var typeid_ = node.li_attr.typeid; var pathL = node.parents.length; if (pathL < 2 || typeid_) { COM_TOOLS.alert(TEDU_MESSAGE.get('JTr_notdel')); return false; } ref = $('#jstree5').jstree(true); node_ = node.id; treeObjList.del(); } } } return temp; } }, 'plugins': ['wholerow', 'contextmenu', "search"] }); var to_ = false; $('#search2_tree').click(function () { if (to_) { clearTimeout(to_); } to_ = setTimeout(function () { var v = $('#plugins4_q1').val(); $('#jstree5').jstree(true).search(v); //搜索 }, 250); }); COM_TOOLS.private_obj_.saveFun = saveFun; })
<link href="../css/plugins/jsTree/style.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
// AJAX $('#tree').jstree({ 'core' : { 'data' : { 'url' : '/get/children/', 'data' : function (node) { return { 'id' : node.id }; } } }); ### ps [ { "text" : "ajax-Child 1","icon":"tedu tedu-icon85","children" : true}, { "text" : "state-Child 2","icon":"tedu tedu-icon85", "children" : ["One more"] } ] //静态 data #1: $('#using_json').jstree({ 'core' : { 'data' : [ { 'id' : 'node_2', 'text' : 'Root node with options', 'state' : { 'opened' : true, 'selected' : true }, 'children' : [ { 'text' : 'Child 1' }, 'Child 2'] } ] } }); ### PS: { id : "string" // will be autogenerated if omitted text : "string" // node text icon : "string" // string for custom state : { opened : boolean // is the node open disabled : boolean // is the node disabled selected : boolean // is the node selected }, children : [] // array of strings or objects li_attr : {} // attributes for the generated LI node a_attr : {} // attributes for the generated A node } //静态 data #2:list child=> parent $('#using_json_2').jstree({ 'core' : { 'data' : [ { "id" : "ajson1", "parent" : "#", "text" : "Simple root node" }, { "id" : "ajson2", "parent" : "#", "text" : "Root node 2" }, { "id" : "ajson3", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "Child 1" }, { "id" : "ajson4", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "Child 2" }, ] } }); ### PS: { id : "string" // required parent : "string" // required text : "string" // node text icon : "string" // string for custom state : { opened : boolean // is the node open disabled : boolean // is the node disabled selected : boolean // is the node selected }, li_attr : {} // attributes for the generated LI node a_attr : {} // attributes for the generated A node }
<div id="jstree6"> </div>
<script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script> <script src="js/jstree.min.js"></script> $(function(){ /*回显全路径数据*/ var IDS_ = [ ['0_1','0_1_2','0_1_2_1','0_1_2_1_2'], ['0_1','0_1_2','0_1_2_1'], ['0_2','0_2_2','0_2_2_1'] ]; $('#jstree6').jstree({ "checkbox": { "three_state": false//此属性选择是否级联,默认为true。 }, 'core': { "check_callback": true, 'data':{ 'url' : '/jstree6/api', 'data': function (node) { return {'id': node.id}; } } }, "search":{ show_only_matches:true,//只显示搜索到的数据 show_only_matches_children:true, //是否可显示搜索到节点的子节点,默认为false不可显示 ajax:{ url:"/jstree6/searchapi" } }, debug:true, 'plugins': ['checkbox','search']//search:搜索组件,checkbox:多选框 }).on("ready.jstree", function (){ var ref = $(this).jstree(true); var path_ids=[], open_ids=[]; $.each(IDS_,function(i,n){ open_ids = open_ids.concat(n.slice(-1)); if(n.length>1){ path_ids = path_ids.concat(n.slice(0,-1)); } }); ref.load_node(COM_TOOLS.arrayUniqueFn(path_ids),function(){ ref.select_node(COM_TOOLS.arrayUniqueFn(open_ids), true, false); }); }); $('#demo6-inp1').keypress(function(){ $('#jstree6').jstree(true).search($(this).val()); }); });
<link href="../css/plugins/jsTree/style.min.css" rel="stylesheet">